The Moon
Stability FUND

Redomiciled from the Cayman Islands to a Singapore Domiciled Open Ended Fund that allows investors the opportunity to invest into a Preferred Share Class that offers a stable absolute return (8% p.a.) which is uncorrelated to financial market volatility, with monthly profit distribution.

Snapshot - The Moon Stability Fund will invest in Promissory notes
  • SGD & USD Denominated.
  • Expected returns uncorrelated to financial markets volatility.
  • 1st right to monthly profit distribution of up to 8% p.a. for Preferred investors.
  • 1st loss capital protection (up to 10%) by Participating investors.
  • Promissory notes issued by corporate with strong balance sheet with 10 years track record.
  • Broker rebates generate the bulk of returns, not reliant on market conditions or direction.
  • Risk diversification via 50 experienced proprietary traders with 10% stop loss limits individually.